Monday, December 1, 2008

Creche on Temple Square

So, I think I'll get the 'obvious' one out of the way. This one was way too easy to shoot, and way too predictable. I should probably save it for a day that I am not able to find a creche on. In any case, I still like the image.

Taken on Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Creche on Temple Square


SladeMomma said...

A very good idea. Thanks for making the effort. I will enjoy visiting your site frequently for the reason-for-the-season reminders.

Slade said...

Pass the site around. It would be a shame if no one else saw these images. Thanks for looking!

Gold-E said...

I agree - great idea. The commercialism bogs me down ultimately resulting in an "I hate Christmas" attitude. Thanks for the reminder of what it's all about.

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