Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Creche In Front Of White House

This is probably my favorite photograph so far.

Creche In Front Of White House, 2009


Chandler said...

SLADE! I saw a charlie brown creche last night and totally thought of you. If i knew where it was I would direct you to it.

Slade said...

CHANDLER! Don't you dare do this to me! Your job is to go back and find it. I'll shoot it after you go back, find the address and tell me where it is!

Chan said...

Well I know it's in Bountiful. And I could tell you the hill it's on and a semi-specific area. But I was just in the car wandering aimlessly so I can't remember the exact street.

Slade said...

Get me close and I'll find it. I can shoot it when I'm in Bountiful next.

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