Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Creche Where Joseph Is Distracted

This is a revisit to a creche I photographed last year. I have been watching this house all year hoping to go back and re-photograph it for this year's blog. I noticed that the figures were put up about a week ago, but decided to shoot it tonight since I was kind of running out of daylight and I needed a 'sure thing'. Here is the post from last year.

Creche Where Joseph Is Distracted, 2009

Ironically this year, just like last year, Joseph has been placed on the opposite side of Mary and Baby Jesus. Just like last year Joseph is pointing away from them. Just like last year he hasn't learned his lesson. When, Joseph...when will you learn? Is this the reason why we don't hear much about you in the New Testament? Is this the reason why you dissappear? You seem to be slowly moving away from Mary and Jesus...a little more each year. Were you distracted?

1 comment:

Charles said...

The snowman is trying to edge his way over there

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